ACE Australian Construction Epoxies

ACE Epoxy Mortar

Safer, faster, at no extra cost.

ACE Epoxy Mortar, a Queensland TMR Approved1 coating for anchorages, tendon protection and other uses.

ACE Epoxy Mortar TDS   ACE Epoxy Mortar SDS Part A  ACE Epoxy Mortar SDS Part B

Has your production schedule been disrupted by constant showers?

Have you had product rejected due to adhesion problems?

Have you had to do rework because the material was not properly mixed?

Have you considered the liability issue if your workers become sensitized?

Have your workers struggled to make it work properly because it is too hot or too cold?

ACE Epoxy Mortar was developed at the request of a major NSW manufacturer of Super T concrete bridge beams in NSW to address the problems they were experiencing with other products.

Developed by our Dr. Bruce McConkey in conjunction with our German raw material suppliers, ACE Epoxy Mortar substantially overcomes all these problems.  The use of modern chemicals means it adheres well to damp or green concrete, tolerates wide variations in the mixing ratio, is much easier to mix in cold temperatures and still easy to apply in hot temperatures.  Unlike competing epoxy products, it has very low allergic sensitization potential.

At Structural Concrete Industries near Newcastle NSW, production was frequently disrupted by rain showers which made it very difficult to get the existing products to adhere to the tendon faces.  In winter, their workforce had to heat the existing product with a gas heater to make it workable, causing dangerous fumes, and on hot days in mid summer it became so thin that they could not achieve the required thickness on the beam faces.  Their workers measured the part A and part B by eye, which caused wide variations in ratio which with some products caused a dramatic reduction in strength and sometimes failures. They tried all the then available products but none provided relief from the all the problems.

SCI have now used ACE Epoxy Mortar on all their Super 'T' tendons now for  over 4 years now. 

Queensland TMR Approval

[1] Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads:- Product Index for Bridges and Other Structures, December 2017, Page 14, #19 Epoxy for anchorages and tendons (surface tolerant).. Registered product: MRTS73, MRTS74, MRTS86