ACE Australian Construction Epoxies

About Us

ACE Construction Epoxy was conceived in response to a plaintive cry from one of our sailing buddies.


He was the senior engineer in a construction related business and he had heard us talk many times of the safety and performance improvements that were possible using modern epoxy resins and hardeners compared with what was around 30 or 40 years ago.


His employees were really struggling to use the ******** ( well known, but old fashioned ) sealing epoxy, especially in cold weather, and they had to stop working in showery weather.  In addition, the more he learned, the more he did not dare to think about the work place health and safety  issues around the old style goop.


So, over a (perhaps one too many) red wine, the challenge was put to us.  Can the technical boffins at Boatcraft Pacific (who have over 40 years of epoxy experience ) come up with a product which is easier to use, works well in hot as well as cold weather, is not difficult to use in showery weather and which is substantially safer.  Of course it had to do the primary job as well or better than the existing goop.


ACE Epoxy Mortar was that product.  It took three years of experimentation.  We have very good relationships with our suppliers and to get it just right, we prevailed upon the research team at one of our European raw material suppliers to help develop one of the ingredients.


It is something we are good at.  Taking an existing product, which is sort of OK but really has substantial shortcomings when you have a closer look, and finding how to make it much better.  Our idea of better is systemic and holistic.  Better doesn't just mean cheaper supply, it does mean less expensive to use considering the whole product cycle including application, application problems and future problems.


We are a small Queensland based team who do well because we are small, we get on well and we share ideas and challenge each other. Are we mutually competitive, you bet, competitive to devise the best solution to the problem we are presented with, and unlike many companies, we don't have rigid preconceptions in our thinking.  Coming from different disciplines enlivens the lateral thinking that goes on.


Dr. Bruce McConkey is an industrial chemist.

Ian Phillips is an engineer.

Dave Giddings is a former navy engineer

Greg Jones has spent many years in senior management in major corporations.