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This is uniaxial cloth. More correctly it is called Warp uniaxial in that almost all the threads are aligned along the length of the roll. It is 0.50mm thick and a full roll is 60 metres long. It is 1.27m wide so it would have to be folded to go through the post. A roll can go by Fastway or general freight.

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Uniaxial 599 gsm 1.27m wide. E Glass. Per lineal metre

This is uniaxial cloth. More correctly it is called Warp uniaxial in that almost all the threads are aligned along the length of the roll. It is 0.50mm thick and a full roll is 60 metres long. It is 1.27m wide so it would have to be folded to go through the post. A roll can go by Fastway or gener...
  • Shipping Weight: 0.61 kgs
Units in Stock

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 27 October, 2008.