Rot Repair & Wood Preservation

Our range of timber cleaners, timber preservers, and rot preventative treatments
WOTROT Restoration Kit
The WOT ROT - Rot Repair Kit has been developed as an effective cosmetic repair process for dealing with rot in all sorts of applications. The only means of eliminating rot affected timber in the past, has been to cut out the damaged material and replace it with a new section of timber. This is expensive and time consuming and in some cases almost impossible without dismantling large areas of a... The WOT ROT - Rot Repair Kit has been developed as an effective cosmetic repair... -
NOROT Sticks 20 Rods
No Rot sticks are a diffusable wood preservative which provides a reservoir of active ingredient for several years. NO-ROT is a unique solid wood preservative used for the insitu treatment of timber to stop rot and white ant attack. It is a concentrated mix of fungicide and insecticide, combined together in a controlled release, small chalk like stick. Timber which has existing decay can also be... No Rot sticks are a diffusable wood preservative which provides a reservoir of ... -
No Rot Gell
No Rot Gel is a single pack water based wood preservative which is brushed over the wood surface which is to be protected. It will soak into and diffuse into the timber where the active ingredients will protect the timber by limiting the growth and spread of rot causing organisms. It will allow the surface to be painted over with most paints and coatings. Great for timber that... No Rot Gel is a single pack water based wood preservative which is brushed over... -
Grey Deck Cleaner
A powerful oxalic acid based wood cleaner and bleach. Helps return timber which has become grey due to weathering to a new(er) appearance. GREY DECK CLEANER is also useful for cleaning and removing rust stains. GREY DECK CLEANER can be used as a bleaching agent for wood and stone. Wood, when exposed to the elements, has it surface layer oxidise and turn gray. When oxalic acid is... A powerful oxalic acid based wood cleaner and bleach. Helps return timber... -
Timber Preserver 1 Litre
TIMBER PRESERVER is a copper based protective coating for timber. It provides effective protection against fungal attack and also will repell some wood boring insects. It is registered in Australia with the Australian Veterinary and Pesticides Management Authority as a wood preservative. It contains an oil which will help to repell water penetration into the timber. It... TIMBER PRESERVER is a copper based protective coating for timber. It prov... -
Timber Preserver 4 Litre
TIMBER PRESERVER is a copper based protective coating for timber. It provides effective protection against fungal attack and also will repell some wood boring insects. It is registered in Australia with the Australian Veterinary and Pesticides Management Authority as a wood preservative. It contains an oil which will help to repell water penetration into the timber. It... TIMBER PRESERVER is a copper based protective coating for timber. It prov... -
Timber Preserver 20 Litre
TIMBER PRESERVER is a copper based protective coating for timber. It provides effective protection against fungal attack and also will repell some wood boring insects. It is registered in Australia with the Australian Veterinary and Pesticides Management Authority as a wood preservative. It contains an oil which will help to repell water penetration into the timber. It... TIMBER PRESERVER is a copper based protective coating for timber. It prov... -
Aussie Clear Exterior Deck Oil Finish 1 Litre
AUSSIE CLEAR is a penetrating exterior oil finish designed to be used where a non film forming treatment is required. It is ideal for protecting hardwood from the weather. AUSSIE CLEAR will retain the natural beauty of the timber, repel moisture, prevent unsightly mould growth and prevent checking and splitting. No film forms, so it will not peel or crack. It contains a powerful... AUSSIE CLEAR is a penetrating exterior oil finish designed to be used where a n...