Carbon Fibre

Carbon Fiber
Carbon fibre is more than twice as strong as ultra high strength steel and, more importantly, three times stiffer. Carbon fiber was developed in the search to make things strong enough for the task at hand, but having minimum weight. Even with the fibre properties diluted by the presence of the (relatively) weak epoxy matrix, carbon fiber incorporated into a structural laminate results in a product with superior strength to alloy steel, and only slightly inferior stiffness, when the comparison is done on the basis of volume. When weight is taken into account (finished laminates with as little resin as possible weigh about the same as magnesium), laminates based on carbon surpass all metals, and most other fiber reinforced plastics.
Concerns about brittleness have substantially been allayed as carbon fibre has now been used in large sections of the DC-10 aircraft rudder, in much of the newer Airbus aircraft and in the Boeing 767. It has also found wide application in the race car world.
To realize the benefits of Carbon Fiber, it is important to design the composite so that the correct quantity of carbon fibres are oriented in the correct directions to absorb the load, and that the amount of resin is the minimum amount needed to fully wet out and fill the spaces between the fibres. Peel ply is very useful in reducing the excess amount of resin. Vacuum bag or vacuum infusion can also assist greatly in optimizing the carbon fibre to resin ration.
198 gsm Plain Weave Carbon Cloth 1m wide, per lineal meter
Cloth width is 1000mm. Yarn count is 200 in the warp direction and 200 in the weft direction. The tex is 3K. It has 5 threads per cm in each direction. It is sold by the metre. The roll length is 100 metres approximately. It does not like to be bent too sharply so we pack it on a larger diameter roll. This may lead to a higher shipping charge as a result. Click here for the Data Sheet. Cloth width is 1000mm. Yarn count is 200 in the warp direction and 200 in the w... -
309 gsm Carbon Uniaxial, 1.22m wide per lineal meter
Cloth width is 122cm. Full roll is 100 metres. Click here for the Data Sheet. Cloth width is 122cm. Full roll is 100 metres. Click here for the Data Sheet. ... -
Carbon Fibre Rail Uni Directional Tape 65mm wide 200 gsm
This is a unidirectional tape which means that all the carbon fibres are aligned along the length of the tape. This tape thus has great strength along its length, but not a lot across its width. The tape is 65mm wide (2 1/2 inches approx) and is 200 grams per square metre which is about 6oz per square yard. On surefboards it is normally used around the edges of the board to increase the... This is a unidirectional tape which means that all the carbon fibres are aligned... -
Carbon-EGlass Hybrid Fibre Rail Plain WeaveTape 80mm wide 175 gsm
A Carbon/E-Glass hybrid tape which can enhance the appearance of your surfboard when placed under a cleaqr finish. We sell it by the metre. It comes on a full roll length of 50 metres and th tape is approximately 0.2mm thick. A Carbon/E-Glass hybrid tape which can enhance the appearance of your surfboard...