Racing Kayaks

Kayaking is a great way to keep fit and these racing boats are a great way to exercise. The marathon TK1 is a good dual-purpose design for use in sheltered areas.
Expect to take a couple of months to build one of these. The ply construction gives each craft a light but durable hull, while the strip plank K1 will be a little heavier than its composite production cousins.
The plywood racing kayaks are all built in 3mm thick marine grade plywood over timber longitudinals and ply bulkheads. The TK1 is available in two versions, the single chine marathon boat and the double chine racing boat.
The single chine K1 is a relatively stable version of this Olympic craft, while the strip plans round bilge K1 is much closer to the racing characteristics of this popular class.
TK1 Racing Kayak - Marathon Version
TK1 's are 4750mm long by 590mm wide. These hulls feature good stability for their class and have enough freeboard to cope well with moderately choppy conditions. Plans for either version of the TK1 consist of a B1 sheet with construction, arrangement, rudder and other details, and full size templates for mould stations. Pictured below is a sketch drawing of the marathon TK1 kayak. ... TK1 's are 4750mm long by 590mm wide. These hulls feature good stability f... -
TK1 Racing Kayak - Sprint Version
TK1 's are 4750mm long by 590mm wide. These hulls feature good stability for their class and have enough freeboard to cope well with moderately choppy conditions. Plans for either version of the TK1 consist of a B1 sheet with construction, arrangement, rudder and other details, and full size templates for mould stations. Pictured below is a sketch drawing of a sprint TK1 kayak. Pictured... TK1 's are 4750mm long by 590mm wide. These hulls feature good stability f... -
K1 Single Chine Sprint Racing Kayak
The strip plank K1 is built in 6mm thick planking with exterior and interior reinforcements. The plan includes the full size sections for the mould stations, however rudder details are not drawn The strip plank K1 is built in 6mm thick planking with exterior and inter...