David Payne

David Payne Yacht Design has a wide range of traditional or contemporary boat designs and stock plans, for the amateur or the professional builder. If you want to build your own boat there are designs for a range of wooden boats including plywood boats, clinker or lapstrake boats and strip plank boats, as well as designs for steel yachts.
The stock plans and other boats designs prepared by David Payne include dinghy plans, rowing skiff plans, kayak plans, sailing yacht plans, trailer-sailer plans, motor craft plans, model boat plans and historic vessel plans.
The variety of craft include flat bottom and round bilge dinghies and rowing skiffs, plywood and strip plank racing kayaks and sea kayaks, strip plank and steel cruising and racing yachts, strip plank trailer – sailers, plywood outboard powered skiffs, punts and launches, inboard diesel engine launches and motor cruisers in clinker and strip plank construction, petrol powered putt-putt launches, model yachts from the 1930s, a ski-boat, historical yachts and skiffs, and concepts for Australian Indigenous watercraft.
Designed in Australia, vessels from David Payne’s plans have been built all around the country, and many have been constructed overseas. The builders undertaking these exciting projects range from amateurs doing their first boat, people with associated building experience such as carpenters, cabinet makers and house builders, and professional boat builders. Boatbuilding schools have used these designs as class projects for students learning how to build their own boat.