Boatbuilding Books

Boatbuilding with BoteCote
32 A4 pages of concise advice on the right way to go about building or repairing boats using epoxy and specifically Bote-Cote epoxy. 4th Edition, by Dr. Bruce McConkey 32 A4 pages of concise advice on the right way to go about building or repairing... -
Transom Replacement Instructions
Replacing the transom on your fibreglass boat yourself is a great investment that will bring your old boat back to life. Doing the job yourself will not only save you heaps, but also give you the personal satisfaction of a job well done. And..... Its much easier than you would expect it to be! This small book and our modern Bote-Cote boatbuilding products can help transform your old, broken boat... Replacing the transom on your fibreglass boat yourself is a great investment th... -
Clinker Plywood Boatbuilding Manual. Iain Oughtred.
A fully detailed study of the methods of building open boats of all types in glued clinker - or lapstrake - construction. Also contains much essential information for builders of boats of any construction material. A comprehensive coverage of: design tools and materials glues and finishes construction finishing rigging All clearly and sympathetically presented for inexperienced amatuer... A fully detailed study of the methods of building open boats of all types in glu... -
The Yacht Designs of Roger Simpson
One page introductions to 22 of Roger Simpson's catamarans. These range from the 6.5 metre sheet plywood Woodwind to the 17 metre Luxury Charter Catamaran. Any one contemplating building a catamaran should obtain one of these books as it has a broad range of sailing catamaran designs which at the very east will strongly help in forming ideas. A4 format, balck and white, extensively... One page introductions to 22 of Roger Simpson's catamarans. These range fro... -
Simpson On Boatbuilding
Roger Simpson, the master discusses how to build a boat with specific reference to large and not so large catamarans. Techniques covered include strip planking, composite, foam core and ply hulls. This is an invaluable book whioch also explores tools, lofting, scarfing, strongbacks, etc. A4 approximately 170 pages. Soft Covers, amply illustrated. Roger Simpson, the master discusses how to build a boat with specific reference ... -
Just The Fitting Out To Go
Roger Simpson's second book. It describes in detail how to go about doing the joinery which will be needed in fitting out a boat. That he was mostly a catamaran designer does not mean that this book only applies to catamarans, it is chock full of good methods and information applicable to any fitting out job. 158 pages. A4 format. Soft Cover Roger Simpson's second book. It describes in detail how to go about doing the jo... -
Davey & Company Catalogue 18 Dated November 2012
Within the covers of this catalogue you will find many items tht have been in production throughout most of the last century, and are still produced in the same way, from the same patterns today. Largely made in the midlands of England, they are made of genuine cast bronze, brass and galvanized steel. Fittings that do today's job, with a touch of history. A4 size, Soft Covers, 80... Within the covers of this catalogue you will find many items tht have been in p...