
You will get great results using our LuciClear system because we pick the best ingredients and combine them in a formulation optimized to do your actual job. Trying to use one formulation to do different tasks means it is always a compromise.
The LuciClear system has resins specifically formulated for
Deep Casting - our LuciClear Casting Resin
Epoxy art work - our LuciClear Artist Resin
Coating coffee tables and trophies, decoupage - our LuciClear Coating Resin
You know, epoxies aint epoxies. It just isn't possible to get the great LuciClear Casting resin performance unless we use great, and unfortunately, more costly ingredients. If we could make a cheap, good casting resin, we would. If we could make a universal epoxy resin which can do every thing we would. What we have done is make an epoxy casting resin which makes really really good river tables and castings.