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Strip Planking

Wooden strips for use with strip planking. These are machined to have a small tongue and groove profile to make planking up very easy. Strip planking is the method of choice to make smooth curves and compound curves, particularly as part of a boats hull, and Quikstrip is the material of choice for fast construction of strip plank sections.

Here is a magnificent example fo what can be done using quikstrip. It is a scaled reporduction of an 1880's square rigger which can be sailed. It was built using Boatcraft Pacific Quikstrip and our Purbond to hold the Quikstrip hull until it can be sheathed. This web site is a very detailed description of the Little leon project. Building Little Leon

  • 19mm x 6mm Western Red Cedar Quikstrip
    Western Red Cedar nachined into our proprietary Quikstrip profile. Supplied in random lengths, mostly around 4 metres in length. Strip planking hhas the virtue that you can produce compound curves, and with WRC Quikstrip, it can be very light weight as well. This is one of the most asked for sizes, many builders of fine canoes and kayaks find that this is the "right" size. It has a... Western Red Cedar nachined into our proprietary Quikstrip profile. Supplied in ...
  • 42mm x 19mm Western Red Cedar Quikstrip
    Western Red Cedar machined into our proprietary Quikstrip profile. Supplied in random lengths, mostly around 4 metres in length. Strip planking has the virtue that you can produce compound curves, and with WRC Quikstrip, it can be very light weight as well. This is one of the most asked for sizes, many builders of larger boats and catamarans find that this is the "right" size. It has a... Western Red Cedar machined into our proprietary Quikstrip profile. Supplied in ...