Hoop Pine Timber

Hoop Pine No. 1 Clear Timber
Hoop Pine is an Australian native pine tree. Araucaria cunninghamii (which is also often called the Moreton Bay Pine) is native to the rainforests of northern NSW and southern Queensland. Hoop Pine also occurs in the mountain regions of Papua New Guinea. It is almost identical to Klinki Pine, a tree native to PNG although its density is a little higher. The trees can grow to 60 metres high, and can live for up to 450 years. At maturity, the seed cones release nut like seeds which are said to be edible. According to "Wood In Australia" by Keith R Bootle, hoop pine texture is very even, gain is straight and growth rings are inconspicuous. It has a green density of 680kg/m3 and an air dry density of about 530kg/m3. It is easy to work, but it does not steam bend satisfactorily. Hoop Pine takes glue well.
We stock DAR (dressed all round) #1 clears in lengths to 6 metres.
Our suppliers definition of #1 Clear is as follows:-
This is the premium grade, Araucaria Clear No. 1 is completely free of defects on all sides except for the occasional blemish that can be machined out. It is free of all defects.
What this definition does not promise is that the grain will be completely straight. If you also require that, then please tell us and we will try to select pieces which meet your requirements. Depending on how much effort is involved, we may have to ask for an extra charge to cover the work involved in doing this.
Our Hoop Pine comes exclusively from plantation grown trees. Hoop Pine is almost identical in strength and flex to Douglas Fir (Oregon Pseudotsuga menziesii ) which is widely used in boat building. Hoop Pine has been extensively used in Australian boatbuilding (and amateur aircraft construction) as it is readily available in high quality lengths.